ESTgames, Cabal Online, New Dungeon 'Purifier in the Woods' Added among massive summer updates

Jul 18, 2023

인간의 손길이 닿지 않던 금단의 숲을 배경으로 한 숲 속 던전 추가

이스트게임즈(대표 이형백)는 자사의 장수 MMORPG인 ‘카발온라인’의 대규모 여름 업데이트를 진행한다고 19일 밝혔다. 이번 업데이트는 신규 던전이 추가되고 코스튬 시스템이 개편되는 등 대대적으로 이루어졌다.

특히, 금단의 숲을 배경으로 한 신규 던전 ‘퓨리파이어 인 더 우즈’에서는 아이템을 추출하고 제작을 의뢰하는 등의 활동을 통해 캐릭터를 강화할 수 있다. 대표적으로 ‘가이아포스 아뮬렛’과 ‘테라포스 아뮬렛’을 제공한다. 아뮬렛은 부적과 같은 장신구의 일종이다.

코스튬 시스템도 전면 개편했다. 모든 코스튬을 한 곳에서 볼 수 있게 했고, 구매하지 않은 코스튬을 미리 입혀보거나 바로 구매할 수 있도록 편의성을 개선했다. 이를 통해 유저가 더 편리하게 캐릭터 커스터마이징을 할 수 있게 됐다.

이외에도 ▲맵 리뉴얼로 복잡했던 ‘일루전 캐슬 레디언트 홀’ 길의 단순화, ▲퀘스트 아이템 드랍 밸런스 조정, ▲대사 속도 조정 등 유저의 고민을 해결하고 편의성을 높이기 위한 다양한 개선 사항들이 이번 업데이트에 반영됐다.

여름 업데이트를 기념한 다양한 이벤트도 준비했다. 7월 19일부터 ‘카발 온라인’에 접속하는 유저 중 복귀 유저들을 대상으로 ‘플래티넘 15일’, ‘미스릴 +15 무기’, ‘장비 풀세트’ 등을 지급한다. 또한, 접속하는 모든 유저를 대상으로 ‘네바레스 스텝 업 미션’을 진행해 캐릭터 성장에 필요한 각종 아이템 등 다양한 보상을 제공한다. 이외에도 기념 선물을 제공하는 등 게임을 플레이하는 유저에게 풍성한 혜택을 제공한다.

게임에 대한 더욱 자세한 정보는 카발 홈페이지(에서 확인할 수 있다.


We believe that AI makes the world more convenient and safer


AI senior care service that takes responsibility for seniors' Fun and cognitive enhancement with AI human technology


Celebrity instructor video lecture creation, TOEIC speaking education content production, as a fitness training instructor
Expansion of educational businesses in various fields such as AI content


Implementing 'moving pictures' with EST AI technology, 'face transformation, makeup application, and clothing creation' through deep learning
Creating and utilizing various AI human content such as new employee analysts, announcers, etc.


Companies can focus on their inherent customer value by providing data and solutions using AI

as an API.


Background removal technology applied in ALSee Capture, like the smooth design of ESTsoft AI technology and ALTools products,
provides the utility environment that users want.


We believe that AI makes the world more convenient and safer


AI senior care service that takes responsibility for seniors' Fun and cognitive enhancement with AI human technology


Expansion of educational businesses in various fields, such as the establishment of celebrity lecture video courses, production of TOEIC speaking educational content, and AI content as a fitness training instructor


Implementing 'moving pictures' with EST AI technology, 'face transformation, makeup application, and clothing creation' through deep learning
Creating and utilizing various AI human content such as new employee analysts, announcers, etc.


We provide data and solutions utilizing AI through APIs to enable companies to focus on their intrinsic customer value.


Background removal technology applied in ALSee Capture, like the smooth design of ESTsoft AI technology and ALTools products,
provides the utility environment that users want.


We believe that AI makes

the world more convenient

and safer


AI senior care service that takes responsibility for seniors' Fun and cognitive enhancement with AI human technology


Celebrity instructor video lecture creation, TOEIC speaking education content production, as a fitness training instructor
Expansion of educational businesses in various fields such as AI content


Implementing 'moving pictures' with EST AI technology, 'face transformation, makeup application, and clothing creation' through deep learning
Creating and utilizing various AI human content such as new employee analysts, announcers, etc.


We provide data and solutions utilizing AI through APIs to enable companies to focus on their inherent customer value.


Background removal technology applied in ALSee Capture, like the smooth design of ESTsoft AI technology and ALTools products,
provides the utility environment that users want.


We believe that AI makes the world more convenient and safer


AI senior care service that takes responsibility for seniors' Fun and cognitive enhancement with AI human technology


Celebrity instructor video lecture creation, TOEIC speaking education content production, as a fitness training instructor
Expansion of educational businesses in various fields such as AI content


Implementing 'moving pictures' by applying EST AI technology, producing various AI human contents such as 'face transformation, makeup application, and clothing creation' for new employees including analysts and announcers, and utilizing them


Companies can focus on their inherent customer value by providing data and solutions using AI
as an API.


Background removal technology applied in ALSee Capture, like the smooth design of ESTsoft AI technology and ALTools products,
provides the utility environment that users want.

LET'S Connect

CEO: Sangwon Jung

Business Registration Number 229-81-03214 Mail-Order Business Notification Number 2011-Seoul Seocho-1962

EST Building, 3 Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Postal Code)06711

Family Site

LET'S Connect

CEO: Sangwon Jung

Business Registration Number 229-81-03214 Mail-Order Business Notification Number 2011-Seoul Seocho-1962

EST Building, 3 Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Postal Code)06711

Family Site

LET'S Connect

CEO: Sangwon Jung

Business Registration Number 229-81-03214 Mail-Order Business Notification Number 2011-Seoul Seocho-1962

EST Building, 3 Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Postal Code)06711

Family Site

LET'S Connect

CEO: Sangwon Jung

Business Registration Number 229-81-03214 Mail-Order Business Notification Number 2011-Seoul Seocho-1962

EST Building, 3 Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Postal Code)06711

Family Site